Ash gourd juice is a great detoxifying agent and is best consumed early morning. This juice can absorb all the toxins, germs, and contamination that may have accumulated in one’s body over the course of a day. It also has the potential to flush the waste out of our system.
Ash gourd is commonly considered a vegetable, which is used in cooking a variety of staple Indian dishes such as kootu, curry, sabzi, and dal, besides sweets and candies called petha.
Ash gourd, also known as “Petha” in Hindi, “Boodida Gummadi” in Telugu, “Neer Pooshnikkai” in Tamil, and “Kumbalam” in Malayalam. It is easily available in the market.
Ash gourd comprises 95% water and is very low in calories, fat, protein, and carbs. Yet, it remains rich in fiber and provides small amounts of various nutrients.
Ash gourd juice has the potential to boost metabolism.
Health Benefits of Ash Gourd Juice:
- Accelerates Weight Loss
- Detoxifies the kidneys
- Enhances digestive system
- Strengthens respiratory processes
- Combat skin infections
- Promotes hair growth

Recipe for Ash Gourd Juice:
- ½ medium-sized ash gourd
- 1 glass of water
- ½ Lemon
- ¼ tsp black pepper powder
How to make Ash gourd Juice?
- Peel off the skin of the fruit and cut it into small chunks.
- Do not forget to remove all the seeds of the fruit.
- Add the small slices of Ash Gourd in a mixer or blender
- Add 1 glass of water
- Blend it till smooth
- Take a clean cotton cloth and strain the mixture to separate the pulp and the juice.
- You can add a dash of lemon juice/honey/2-3 mint leaves and black pepper powder in the juice for flavor.
Drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach for effective results.
Note: Do not refrigerate Ash gourd juice, drink it fresh.
Tip: Use the fruit pulp as a face pack.
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